How to create a new lottery in JLP admin


    This article will provide a step-by-step guide to creating a new lottery on the platform.


    • A Jumbo Lottery Platform Admin account with the correct permissions.


    1. Login to JLP admin

    Log in to your JLP admin account.



    2. Navigate to the Lottery management page

    From the main navigator bar at the top of the screen, Select Lottery.


    3. Select manage lotteries

    From the left panel click on manage lotteries where you can create and edit the lotteries on the platform.

    4. Select create new lottery to start creating the new lottery 


    5. Fill out the lottery details

    In the create a new lottery page start by filling the lottery name. Please note that the Lottery URL and the Lottery key will automatically appear from lottery name and cannot be edited 

    6. Enter the ticket settings 

    The next step is to fill out the ticket settings which includes the ticket provider,API sales lottery key and the permitted sales regions .


    • Ticket Provider: This should automatically appear in the drop-down if the production site has been set up.

    • API Sales Lottery Key: This can be found by visiting the "Edit Lottery" page on the existing lottery's JLP instance.

    • Permitted Sales Regions: Select the permitted sales region for this lottery from the drop-down menu provided. 

    Note: This can vary from lottery to lottery, so please make sure to check prior to setting this up


    7. Next step is to add in the lottery logos and the lottery colours

    Please make sure to follow the given lottery logo sizes


    8. Select the Recurring purchase program 

     If desired select a recurring purchase program to use for this lottery if not select None.

    9. Edit the recurring purchase content 

    By filling out sections it helps to Communicate the benefits of the lottery’s recurring purchase program to customers.


    10. Create the lottery

    Click on the blue create lottery button to create the lottery.

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