View AutoPlay Recurring Purchase Information

    This article will outline how to view relevant information related to an Autoplay recurring purchase on Jumbo Lottery Platform (JLP) Admin. Autoplay is a feature on JLP that automatically purchases tickets for each draw. This is different from subscription purchases, which purchase based on a date.



    • Access to JLP Admin platform
    • Minimum role capabilities:
      • Recurring purchase
      • Customer view


    1. Navigate To The Autoplay Section In The Customer’s Profile

    Click Autoplays on the left toolbar.

    Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 3.22.23 PM.png

    2. View The Customer’s Autoplays

    A list of AutoPlay recurring purchases will appear.


    You can view the following information on this page:

    1. AutoPlay ID – Unique ID assigned to an Autoplay purchase
    2. Lottery and ticket count – Name of lottery that the Autoplay was created for and the number of tickets in the ticket book
    3. Last Purchase – Date of the last purchase initiated by this Autoplay
    4. Next Purchase – Date when next purchase will occur
    5. Status – If an Autoplay is active or inactive
    6. Value – Price of the ticket book

    3. Select The AutoPlay You Would Like To Manage

    Click on the relevant AutoPlay hyperlink from the Autoplays page.


    4. View Individual Autoplay Details

    After clicking on the relevant Autoplay, you will be brought to the Autoplay details page.

    You can view the following information on this page:

    1. Lottery
    2. Ticket book size
    3. Ticket value
    4. Status
    5. Next purchase
    6. Last purchase
    7. Default payment method
    8. Ticket statuses
    9. Autoplay events timeline
    10. Individual tickets purchased by the Autoplay

    Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 3.15.52 PM.png


    5. View All Autoplay Events

    After navigating to a particular Autoplay, click on View all autoplay events.


    This will reveal a list of recurring purchase events that are specific to this Autoplay. These events include:

    • Deposit Required – Attempting to deposit
    • Deposit Failed
    • Retry count – Retry count before the Autoplay pauses
    • Purchased – Autoplay purchase successfully
    • Customer fund update – Change of payment method and by whom
    • Recurring purchase status change
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