CSV Fields
The fields required in the CSV will be different depending on the configuration.
Please refer to the attached example CSV file for more details.
Note that not all fields are used by the bulk-sales service but are stored for history regardless.
Field |
Header required |
Value required |
Format Integer/ String |
Additional validation |
Comments |
ORDER_ID | ✅ | ✅ |
I |
Order ID in the client's system. Retrievable from the DB upon request – not shown in UI anywhere | |
LOTTERY | ✅ | ✅ | S | Must match an active lottery | Lottery key for example my_lottery |
DRAW_NO | ✅ | ✅ | I | Must match an open draw | If the keyword 'next' is specified, the next open draw will be used |
CUSTOMER_ID | S | text (max = 100) | If provided we will try to find customer using this ID instead of email | ||
TITLE | ✅ | S | "Ms", "Mrs", "Miss", "Mr" or "Dr | ||
FIRST_NAME | ✅ | ✅ | S | text, no digits (min = 2, max = 44) | |
LAST_NAME | ✅ | ✅ | S | text, no digits (min = 2, max = 36) | |
ADD_UNIT | ✅ | S | text a maximum of 97 characters for the concatenation of these three fields. | ||
ADD_STREET_NUMBER | ✅ | When email not given or when payment type is BD or the sites use standard address format | S | ||
ADD_STREET_NAME | ✅ | When email not given or when payment type is BD or the sites use standard address format | S | ||
ADD_LINE_1 | ✅ | When email not given or when payment type is BD or the sites use international address format | S | Customer's address in 1 line which replaces ADD_UNIT, ADD_STREET_NUMBER and AND_STREET_NAME | |
When this field is set to optional in international address format |
When this field is set to optional in international address format | S | Customer's apartment number, building name, etc (optional) | |
ADD_SUBURB | ✅ | When email not given or when payment type is BD or the sites use standard address format | S | text (max = 44) | |
When email not given or when payment type is BD or the sites use standard address format
This field can also be optional if it is set to be optional in international format |
S | text (max = 44) | |
ADD_POSTCODE | ✅ | When email not given or when payment type is BD or the sites use standard address format | S | text (max = 10) |
AU should be integer > 0 Other countries - any text value |
COUNTRY | ✅ | When email not given or when payment type is BD or the sites use standard address format | S | 2 character ISO code | eg AU, GB |
✅ | S | ^[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+$ | Mandatory if no address data is provided | ||
PHONE | ✅ | S | text (max = 20) | We will only collect a single number from this flow. | |
DOB | ✅ | dd/mm/yyyy | text (exactly 10) | dependant on the configuration there may be restrictions on this field eg older than a restricted gambling age | |
✅ | S | "YES" or "NO" | Mater VIP sale |
✅ | S | "YES" or "NO" | Autoplay this sale |
TICKET_VALUE | ✅ | ✅ | S | "10" or "10.00" or "$10" | Dollar amount of the price of Ticket Book |
SALE_DATE | ✅ | ✅ | dd/mm/yyyy | text (exactly 10) | This is separate to Payment Date. We need payment date recorded against the transaction. Sale date exists for Suppliers to record when a sale occurred. |
PAYMENT_TYPE | ✅ | ✅ | S | CC or CASH or MO or CHQ or BD | Case insensitive. Note these payment methods will need to be available |
When CC_TOKEN_ONLY true |
When payment type is CC | S | text (exactly 10) | The CC token must have been created with the same payment gateway and credentials as configured |
CC_PAYMENT_GATEWAY | S | Introduced in http://gerrit.lan/c/bulk-sales/+/110023 When provided this will override the base configuration for the payment gateway. Usually has values of "stripe", "paystream", "eway". | |||
AFFILIATION | ✅ | S | Must match either an existing affiliate code or name | Either the code or name of an existing affiliate. | |
CAMPAIGN | S | Stored against the cart row in JL | |||
When PAYMENT_METHOD includes BD |
When payment type is BD | S | ||
When PAYMENT_METHOD includes BD |
When payment type is BD | S | ||
When PAYMENT_METHOD includes BD |
When payment type is BD | S | ||
GAME_OFFER | When GAME_OFFER header is used | S | One of the following: "standard_monthly", "standard_quarterly", "standard_biannually", "standard_annually" |
The type of game offer. This will always be "standard_monthly" unless the direct debit is not monthly. | |
BILLING_DAY | When GAME_OFFER is used | When GAME_OFFER is used | I | one of the following: 1, 8, 15, 23, 28 |
Used to determine the direct debit collection day. Must be one of the available values (1,8,15,23,28). |
✅ | S | Must match an existing cause key | The key of a cause set up in the system i.e my_cause. |
ORGANISATION | S | Must match the name of an existing organisation. | The name of a sales organisation i.e "ACME Telemarketers". | ||
CHANNEL | ✅ | S | Must match an existing channel key | If this field is missing the channel assigned to the uploader is used for all records. If present, this column overrides the channel. If the channel field is supplied (optional) all records must supply a valid channel key. | |
COMMS_EMAIL | S | "YES" or "NO" | opt in to receive email marketing preference | ||
COMMS_SMS | S | "YES" or "NO" | opt in to receive SMS marketing preference | ||
COMMS_PUSH | S | "YES" or "NO" | opt in to receive Push notification preference | ||
COMMS_PHONE | S | "YES" or "NO" | opt in to receive phone marketing preference | ||
COMMS_MAIL | S | "YES" or "NO" | opt in to receive direct mail preference | ||
EXTRA_* | S |
Extra field column header names must contain non-special characters however, dashes and underscores are permitted. Extra column headers can only contain characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 _ - . (full-stop). No spaces are allowed. |
Extra columns are a way to capture any additional sales data not otherwise explicitly defined in this file format. Extra fields are denoted by having a prefix "extra_" followed by the name of the field. For example, the column heading "extra_tshirt_size" would create a data field called "tshirt_size". There can be any quantity of extra_ fields supplied. All supplied records for extra data are stored as text fields. There are no specific text limits on the length of the header of the data but we suggest keeping under 255 characters. |
Deprecated Fields
The following CSV fields are currently deprecated and will be removed from the file format in the next major release.
Field | Header required | Value required |
Format Integer (I)/ String(S) |
Additional validation |
Comments |
CC_TYPE | When CC_TOKEN_ONLY false | When payment type is CC | S | "VISA" or "MASTERCARD" or "AMEX" | |
CC_NUMBER | When CC_TOKEN_ONLY false | When payment type is CC | S | Strip spaces, Luhn check | |
CC_NAME | When CC_TOKEN_ONLY false | When payment type is CC | S | ||
CC_EXPIRY | When CC_TOKEN_ONLY false | When payment type is CC | S | Supports lots of different formats but can't really go wrong with "01/25" | |
CC_CVV | S | 3 or 4 digits, can have a leading zero | Not included in the CSV by default. Can be included if a CVV is somehow collected. Gateways can encode without a CVV |