This article aims to provide a general overview of the approach Jumbo Interactive takes to developing software, how that approach affects the way we solve client and customer problems, how priorities are determined and how we measure success.
The goals of this article are to provide a general understanding of:
- How we align development teams & clients on what we are building and why
- How we help development teams understand how their work adds value to clients and customers
- How we determine the priority of new features, what problems to solve and when to take advantage of new opportunities based on how they align with our product vision
The Product Vision
“Everything we do is to connect, build and optimise tools that grow lottery businesses.”
Powered by Jumbo Product Vision
We will achieve our vision by focusing on saving costs through reducing waste through automation of processes, building tools that improve operator efficiency and provide previously separate technology into one cohesive suite of tools.
We will also enable growth by giving marketers the tools they need to increase sales, improve customer engagement by focusing on a better web and app customer experience and optimising the lottery subscription process.
5 Product Principles
To help realise our vision, we focus on 5 product principles
1. We Always Start With The Problem
To get the best solutions, our designers and engineers need to understand the problem we’re solving. We continually evolve this understanding, and persistently return to it to ensure we haven’t veered off course.
How this impacts you:
Before solution shaping starts, Designers and Engineers will need to understand the problem they are trying to solve. This often involves spending time face to face with our clients and their customers, diving deep into the problem and its impacts.
2. We Prioritise The End-User
We serve your best interests by prioritising your end-users. Our job is to focus on the customer, marketer, operator or administrator who are using our tools.
How this impacts you:
When we are designing solutions, we always have the end-user in mind. If we need further insights or clarification on a problem, we need to be able to talk with our clients and their customer.
3. We Think Big, But Start Small
Big things have small beginnings. We always try to find the smallest coherent solution. This enables us to ship sooner and learn faster. This isn’t about cutting quality, it’s about shipping sooner and using those learnings to guide our next iteration.
How this impacts you:
We refine the scope of the proposed solution, to find out how much we can strip away and still solve the problem. This means we focus on the minimum solution that delivers value, then continue to iterate on that and improve the solution based on the learnings.
4. We Remove The Riskiest Assumptions First
The sooner we get feedback on assumptions, the sooner we can ship value. Sometimes that’s by shipping and measuring an MVP, other times that’s doing tech spikes and prototypes.
How this impacts you:
Through the solution shaping process, we are going to try and remove assumptions before they enter a development cycle, allowing us to better account for any unknowns that might come up in delivery. If we need further clarification, we need to be able to ask more probing questions to our clients and their customers.
5. We Measure What’s Important, Then Close The Loop
We have clear measures of success for every problem and track what we ship! Shipping is the beginning, more than the end. We use our data to improve our products continually.
How this impacts you:
We need to know upfront how our solutions will be measured. It also means we will have visibility over the impact our changes are making.
Priorities and planned solutions may change or vary as a result of the learnings we get by measuring the impact of changes.
Our Process & How We Measure Success
To deliver value to all the different stakeholders using Powered by Jumbo, we break our focus into several different product verticals. Each vertical has a single product manager who’s responsible for ensuring that their vertical is continuing to deliver value against the success criteria.
Area of responsibility
Customers have a self-service digital experience that increases their value.
We measure success by:
- Growth in customer spend
- Growth in customer acquisition rate
- Growth in customer retention rate
- Growth in subscription payments
- % of sales generated via this channel
- Growth in customer satisfaction rating
Area of responsibility
Marketers have the tools they need to promote Lotteries.
We measure success by:
- New communication channels we facilitate
- Growth in the value generated by Marketers
- Reduction in time spent on repetitive tasks
- Marketers satisfaction with our platform
Area of responsibility
Operators have the tools they need to support customers and facilitate sales.
We measure success by:
- New sales channels we facilitate
- Growth in operator driven acquisition/revenue
- Reduction in time spent on repetitive tasks
- Operators satisfaction with our platform
Area of responsibility
Administrators have the tools they need to run lottery draws and report on their outcomes.
We measure success by:
- Reduction in time spent setting up and administering lotteries
- Accuracy and availability of reports needed for financial decisions
- Administrators satisfaction with our lottery administration tools
You can download a copy of our “How We Build Products” presentation below.