How To Make An Operator Purchase

    The operator purchase function allows an admin operator to complete a purchase on behalf of a customer without the customer needing to be physically present.

    This article will provide a step by step guide on how to make an operator purchase on behalf of a customer to completion.


    • Access to the Jumbo Lottery Platform (JLP) Admin
    • Level of admin access required to be able to access customer accounts and process a purchase on a customer’s behalf
    • Capabilities required include “Add Customer” and “Can Purchase Tickets”

    1. Select A Sales Channel

    Begin by logging into JLP Admin.

    If there is no sales channel selected, a prompt will appear in the top right of JLP Admin. Click on ‘Select a sales channel’ to choose a sales channel.

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    If a sales channel is already selected, a prompt will appear in the top right of JLP Admin denoting the current sales channel.

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    For further steps on how to choose or change a sales channel, click here.

    2. Create Or Locate The Customer In JLP Admin

    Navigate to the customer’s profile. For more details on how to search for a customer, click here.

    If the customer does not have an account, follow these steps to create an account via JLP Admin.

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    3. Making An Operator Purchase

    From the customer’s profile page click the “Buy tickets” option located in the left toolbar.

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    This will take you through to a page that shows all current available lotteries for purchase.

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    Prize details for each draw can be viewed by clicking on the “prize details” link under each draw.

    Note: This link opens in a new window, ensure you navigate back to the customer’s profile to complete the customers purchase.

    The customer’s cart is situated on the right of the page.

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    • Click on the blue ‘select’ button in order to view the different ticket books for the desire lottery and draw.
    • A pop-up will appear containing all ticket book options as well as further information relating to bonus prizes and featured tickets.
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    • Click the blue ‘select’ button next to the desired ticket to add it to the customer’s cart.

    This will then display a review page of all items currently in the customer’s cart.

    • Create a recurring purchase by clicking on the toggle. When enabled, this toggle will appear blue and will make this ticket either a subscription or AutoPlay ticket.
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    • To remove the ticket from the customer’s cart, click the trash can icon located in the top right corner of the ticket.
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    • Click the “Checkout” option to proceed through the checkout or “Add more tickets” to continue adding tickets
    checkout-or-add-more-tickets (1).png
    • Select the relevant payment method on file or use available funds on the customer’s account by ticking the “Use customer’s available funds” tick box.
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    Cash deposit, cheque deposit or money order will not deposit funds into the customer’s account, but will purchase the ticket as normal. These methods assume that the operator already has the payment on hand.

    • After selecting the correct payment method, click the blue “Pay now” option or click the “Discard sale” option to cancel the transaction.
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    • Once the purchase has been completed you will see a green tick and the banner “The tickets have been purchased successfully”.
    • You will also see specific information regarding the ticket purchase which can be relayed to the customer, such as:
    1. Order ID
    2. Draw number and close date
    3. Ticket book type and cost
    4. Ticket ID
    5. Link to the specific ticket numbers
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    4. Purchase Confirmations

    The customer will receive an email confirmation of their purchase, complete with their ticket numbers and details as per usual. You will also be able to view the full ticket details immediately from the customer’s profile located under order history.

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