How To Generate A Draw Reconciliation Report

    This article will detail how to generate a draw reconciliation report within the Jumbo Lottery Platform (JLP). 

    It will also provide a guide on how to view the information provided in this report.


    • Access to the JLP Admin
    • Required level of access to view and generate reports within the Jumbo Lottery Platform

    How To Generate A Draw Reconciliation Report

    Navigate to the “Reports” tab via the toolbar located at the top of the page.


    From here you will see a full list of current reports which are available to generate. From this list, select the “Draw Reconciliation” option.


    This will show a pop-up window “Input Controls”. From here, enter the details of the Lottery and Draw number you wish to generate your report for.

    You will also need to provide a date range for the reconciliation in the “Period start” and “Period end” fields.


    Click the blue “Apply” then “OK” buttons to generate the report.

    How To Read A Reconciliation Report

    To view the full sample report please open the attached PDF located at the bottom of this article

    1. Report Heading

    Located at the top of the reconciliation you will see the following information:

    1. Lottery – Name of the charity lottery provider
    2. Draw No – Lottery draw number
    3. Period from – Date the reconciliation begins
    4. Period to – Date the reconciliation ends


    2. Book Count

    The first subcategory provided on the reconciliation is Book Count. This lists out a detailed total of ticket books purchased through the website by:

    1. Book Name- This refers to the ticket book price
    2. Purchased- Quantity of purchases that have taken place for a ticket book
    3. Cancelled- Quantity of cancellations for a ticket book
    4. Total (column)- A combined total of purchases and cancellations that have taken place for a ticket book
    5. Total (row)- A combined total of Purchased, Cancelled and Total columns


    4. Ticket Count

    The second subcategory shows a detailed breakdown of the full amount of singular tickets purchased. This is listed per ticket book range.

    1. The following information will be displayed:
    2. Purchased- Total amount of singular tickets purchased
    3. Cancelled- Total amount of singular tickets cancelled
    4. Total (column)- Total amount of purchased tickets minus the full amount of cancelled tickets
    5. Total (row)- Total amount of tickets purchased, cancelled and combined purchased/cancelled

    5. Financial Summary

    This subcategory shows a detailed financial summary of purchases and cancellations by $ amount, this is listed by ticket book range.

    You will be able to view the following information:

    Book name- This refers to the ticket book range that is offered for purchase

    Purchased- This shows the total $ amount of tickets purchased per ticket book range

    Cancelled- This shows the total $ amount of ticket cancellations by ticket book range

    Total (column)- This shows the total $ amount of tickets purchased minus the $ amount of tickets cancelled by ticket book range

    Total (row)- Shows the combined $ amount totals of purchased, cancelled and total purchased and cancelled tickets in all ticket book rangesFinancial-Summary.pngFor the purposes of this sample report commission is 35% of the total purchase cost

    5. Commission

    This subcategory shows a breakdown of the commission of the total purchase cost.

    The breakdown of this section will be displayed by the following:

    1. Purchased- Total commission based off purchases by ticket book range
    2. Cancelled- total commission removed due to ticket cancellation by ticket book range
    3. Total- Full commission and cancellation totals of all ticket book ranges

    6. Subscription

    This subcategory shows a breakdown of the Subscription costs by purchased and cancelled tickets.

    The subscription cost is calculated by taking the total of purchased/cancelled ticket cost from the financial summary section and subtracting the total commission costs.

    The information will be shown as follows:

    1. Purchased- This shows the total purchased/cancelled summary from the financial summary section minus the commission cost, this is listed by ticket book range
    2. Cancelled- This shows the total cancelled costs from the financial summary section minus the cancelled commission costs, refined by ticket book range
    3. Total- Total subscription and cancelled costs of all combined ticket book ranges

    6. Ticket Status Summary

    This subcategory shows the full ticket summary of all purchase, sold and unsold tickets.

    It is important to note that this section ignores the time frames you specify when running the initial report. It shows all purchases and cancellations for the draw.

    From this subcategory, you will be able to view the following information:

    1. Start- This denotes the start of the ticket allocation range
    2. End- this denotes the end of the ticket allocation range
    3. Status- This will appear as purchased, cancelled or unsold depending on the ticket range’s status
    4. Details- This will show basic information relating to any cancelled purchases such as the number of tickets cancelled, ticket book type and customer first and surname


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