For each draw, you can add new content and images to best promote your draw and prizes. This article will help you to understand how to upload content for both single-prize and multi-prize draws using the Powered by Jumbo draw Content Management System (CMS).
- A draw that has been added to JIBS
- A Powered by Jumbo operator account with the ability to manage and view draw content
Draw Setup
1. Login To The Powered By Jumbo Admin Panel
Visit https://admin.<> and login with your username and password
2. Navigate To The Lottery Menu
Select Lottery from the main navigation bar.
3. Select The Relevant Lottery
From the Open lotteries table, select the relevant lottery name.
4. Click On The Draw Number You Wish To Edit
Navigate to the End of Draw Monitor by clicking on the relevant draw number.
5. Navigate To The Draw CMS
Click on Draw content from the left toolbar.
6. Fill In The Draw Setup Section
All sections and sub-sections with a red * mark are required.
The following information is required in this section:
- Prize layout options – select Single Prize or Multi-Prize Draw
- Draw heading title – enter up to 70 characters
- Draw prize value
- Feature image – used through the site to advertise the draw (1170 x 780 px image of up to 300kb)
- Image alt text
Single prize draw option selected
Multi-prize draw option selected
For Multi-Prize draws, fill in the multi-prize information section
This section requires the following information:
- Draw subtitle – maximum of 60 characters
- Draw description – use Markdown to format this section
7. Fill In The Draw Terms & Conditions Section
You can format this section with Markdown.
8. Fill In The Legacy Information Section If Applicable
This section allows you to add content for older versions of iOS and Android mobile applications. This section may not be visible to you depending on how the draw CMS was configured for your organisation.
The content is automatically saved, but you can click the “Save draft” button located at the bottom of the content management page at any point of the draw upload process.

Prize Overview
9. Add Draw Prizes (For Multi-Prize Draws)
Skip to the next step for single-prize draws.
To add a draw prize, click “Add prize” in the prize overview section. You can add as many draw prizes as needed.
You can also remove a prize by clicking on the red bin icon in each prize sub-section.
10. Enter Prize Information
For multi-prize draws, you need to enter information and choose components for each prize option
To add details about a prize, click on the “Edit” button.
This section is required and needs to be filled in. You can use Markdown in the prize description section.
11. Choose The Components Best Suited To Your Prize
You can add a component by clicking “Add component”
You can also choose to discard a component by clicking “Discard component”.
You can choose to add the following components to your draw:
- Feature icons – highlight key features of your prize using a feature list
- Property summary – display key information about the prize home (address, number of bedrooms, bathrooms, garage count and land/floor size)
- Image gallery – upload images of your prize
- Floorplan – add floorplans to show off your home or caravan
- Investment report – display the potential earning opportunities for the prize
- Interactive tour – show off an interactive tour of your prize
- Secondary information – show extra information about the major prize, or even bonus prizes on offer
- Embedded video – include a video link to display your major or minor prizes
- Map location – add the address of where the prize property is located
12. Preview Your Draw
To view a preview for your draw, click “Preview” at the bottom of the page. This will open a preview of the draw in another window.
13. Publish Your Changes
Once you are happy with the preview, click “Publish”.
Confirm this action by clicking “Publish draw content”.
The system will confirm that you draw content has been published successfully.
Ticket Management
14. Add Ticket Information
Navigate to “Ticket Management” on the menu on the left-hand side of your screen. This section allows you to add more information on the tickets offered in your draw.
15. Enter Details For Each Ticket Book (Optional)
Tick the “Bonus Prize” box to enable the ticket details field.
You can also tick the “Featured” box if you would like a specific ticket bundle to be placed at the very top of the “Buy Tickets” page on your website.
Select a ribbon from the drop-down menu for your ticket bundle as necessary. You can choose from: Most Popular, Our Pick or Best Value.
You can enter information like ticket odds or bonus prizes up to 115 characters in the “Bonus Prize Copy” field.
16. Save Your Changes On The Ticket Management Page
Click “Save” at the bottom of the page to apply your changes.
Open Draw
17. Set Your Draw Status To “Open”
In the Draw details section, click Change Status.
Set your draw to Open and confirm by clicking Save Status.
The draw will be displayed on the website upon the draw start date.