Add To Cart Links

    Ticket books or bundles for specific lotteries can be added to an users cart by clicking on a URL. When an individual clicks on an Add to Cart link, they will be directed to the cart on your website, and a specific product will be automatically added for them.

    Add To Cart URL Format

    Standard Ticket


    Recurring Purchases


    Key Description
    your-url The URL of your lottery’s website
    your_lottery_key The key used to identify the lottery product you want to add
    value The ticket book’s dollar value, in numerals only
    tickets The number of tickets included in the ticket book
    recurring_purchase_type subscription, autoplay or multi_offer
    The value must be correct for the number of tickets, otherwise the item will not be added to the cart successfully.

    Add To Cart URL Example

    Standard Ticket




    Multi Offer

    Multiple Cart Items

    One or more Lottery, Raffle or Syndicate products in the same URL.

    You will need to add an item[] and a & to connect another item[] all other & symbols will need to be replaced with a ;[]=lottery=mater_prize_home;offer=2_book_1;subscribe=true&item[]=lottery=mater_cars_for_cancer;offer=30_book_1

    If you are unsure of what your lottery key is, contact our client success team by submitting a ticket.

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