How To Create A Deep Link For A Prize In Multi-Prize Draws

    This is a step-by-step guide on how to create a deep link for a specific prize accordion on a multi-prize draw.


    • Access to your Jumbo Lottery Platform front-end website

    1. Open Your Jumbo Lottery Platform ( JLP) Front-End Website


    2. Select A Multi-Prize Draw

    Click on “Prize Details” on a featured draw or click on the image of a non-featured draw.


    This should include the draw name and draw number.


    Add “#prize-x” to your link with “x” being your selected prize.


    Check that the link directs to the chosen prize option. The selected prize accordion should be expanded.


    Now that your deep link has been created, you can now use this link to feature a specific prize on a multi-prize draw.

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