Content Editor is a tool that you can use within Jumbo Lottery Platform (JLP) admin to edit some of the content on your JLP website.
This article aims to provide step-by-step instructions on how to use this tool.
- Access to JLP Admin
- “Can edit Content” capability enabled
- Google Chrome web browser
- Jumbo Debug extension
Editing Content
1. Download The Jumbo Debug Extension
Before making any changes, ensure that you have downloaded the Jumbo Debug extension from the Google webstore.
This will allow you to identify the key you want to make changes to.
2. Navigate To The Desired Web Page
Among the pages that you can update are:
- Login
- Registration
- Your Support
- About Us
- Terms & Conditions
- Privacy Policy
3. View The Keys Using Jumbo Debug
Click the Jumbo Debug App to view the keys that are available to edit. When you click on the debug app, if its available to edit via the content editor, a ? (question mark) will pop up.
To get the content key name ( you will use this later to find the content key on content key editor) hover over the icon to view the content key.
Take note of the key name as you will need to search for this in the content editor.
Optionally, you can also copy the value of the text you would like to change and search for it in the content editor
4. Open Content Editor In JLP Admin
Login to your JLP Admin account and navigate to Content + Marketing. Under “Edit Website” click on “Content.
5. Search For The Content Key Or Partial Copy
In the search box, type in the content key that you would like to locate or part of the copy that you would like to change.
6. Edit The Content
Click the “Edit” button on the right-hand side of the content block.
You will see that indicated beside the content key is the content key type which could be one of the following: plain text, markdown, or image.
7. Preview Your Content
Once you are finished with your changes, click the “Preview” button to see how the copy will look like.
8. Save Your Changes
Click “Save” at the bottom of the content field to save your changes.
Adding Or Deleting Keys
1. Add Content Keys
You can optionally add keys by clicking on the “add content keys” link in Content Editor.
You then need to enter the content key type and name. The key name can be found by viewing the source code via Developer tools if these have been setup by the dev team.
2. Delete Content Keys
Deleting a content key removes it from Admin as well as on your website.
You can find the “Delete this key” button at the bottom left-hand side of the content fields. This button is available in each content block.