How To View A Customer’s Profile

    This article summarises the information available within a customer profile on the Powered By Jumbo Admin platform.

    Some functionalities may not be available or visible depending on your role and capabilities.


    • Powered by Jumbo Admin platform
    • Required level of access to view and edit customer accounts

    What Information Is Provided On A Customer’s Profile?

    1. Customer Details

    This section shows the customer’s personal information.

    Beta-profile-v2_1-1024x187 (2).png
    Customer details overview

    On the upper left-hand side of the page, you can see the customer’s first and last name, Customer ID, and details of registration.

    Beta-profile-v2_1-1 (1).png
    Name, Customer ID, registration and last login details

    You can also find three buttons under this section that allows you to buy tickets, reset the password and manage the customer’s communication preferences.

    Beta-profile-v2_3 (1).png
    Buy tickets, reset password and communication preferences buttons

    On the upper right-hand side, you can find the customer’s email address, phone number, date of birth and street address. You can also find the Edit details button here as well as suspected duplicate accounts.

    Beta-profile-v2_2 (1).png
    Email, phone number, date of birth and street address

    In this section, the following account details are displayed and corresponding actions can be performed:

    • Account activated/deactivate account – A customer will not be able to access their account once it’s deactivated, and no further tickets can be purchased by the customer or on their behalf. This action can be reversed, if required.
    • Account unlocked/lock account – Lock an account to temporarily prevent a customer from logging in, and to auto-pause any recurring purchases. This action is useful if the customer cannot be deactivated because of a positive account balance or active tickets.
    • Watch/unwatch account – add or remove a customer to or from an administrator’s watch list
    • Flag bouncing emails / remove emails bouncing flag – flag a customer’s email address if it is known to be invalid, or if emails sent to the inbox are bouncing. Enabling this flag will prevent future emails from being sent to this customer’s email address
    • Flag address as invalid – mark a mailing address if it is known to be invalid
    • Flag suspicious activities – mark the customer’s activities to be suspicious
    • Verify manually – approve this customer’s manual verification submission, or select one or more options below before rejecting the verification. This customer will gain full account access if they are manually verified. This action can not be undone.

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    3. Customer’s Account Balance

    In this section, you can see ithe customer’s Total balance as well as deposited fundsprize funds and limbo funds. The pricing ID is also displayed.

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    You will also find quick links to the customer’s Transaction historyManual deposit and Withdraw funds.

    4. Add A New Note

    Add a note into the customer’s profile by typing in this text box and clicking Save this note.

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    5. Spend And Deposit Limits

    This section links to the customer’s deposit limit and spend limit. It also shows any limits in place.

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    6. Customer Events

    This shows a list of all customer events and details. You can use the filter to show specific event types such as notes, account locked events and reset password events.

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    7. Telemarketing Events

    This section shows details of telemarketing events. You can record if a customer said no or did not answer a telemarketing event.

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