How To Manage Customer Communication Preferences


    • Access to Powered By Jumbo Admin

    • Required level of access to view and edit customer accounts

    Manage In PBJ Admin

    1. Locate The Customer

    Using The Quick Search Field

    Located at the top of the Admin panel is the quick search field.

    Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 8.43.51 AM.png

    In this field, you can enter various identifying details which will allow you to search for a customer.

    Using The Search Form

    Navigate to the Powered by Jumbo Admin dashboard. Select ‘Customer search’ from the toolbar located on the left of the page.

    Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 8.43.10 AM.png

    For further steps on how to search for a customer, click here.

    2. Navigate To Communication Preferences

    Locate the correct customer profile in PBJ Admin.

    Navigate to the left toolbar on the customer profile and select ‘Customer activity’.

    From the ‘Customer activity’ dropdown menu, select ‘Communication preferences’ to view the customer’s communication preferences.


    3. View and Edit Communication Preferences

    Communication Preferences in PBJ Admin will contain either:

    • A single toggle for all marketing updates

    • Multiple toggles for every PBJ lottery that exists on a particular PBJ website

    • Multiple toggles for every PBJ lottery, and the different channels of communication (Direct Mail, Email, Phone, SMS).

    Single toggle for all marketing updates

    Multi-toggle for multi-lottery PBJ sites

    Multi-toggle with channels of communication

    To enable or disable marketing communications, click on the toggle on the right.

    To set these new lottery preferences, click on the blue 'Save changes' button in the bottom left.


    4. Blocked Emails

    In the event that a customer has also marked our emails as spam, you may be required to unblock their email address on our system.

    You can do this by following the following process: Unblocking Customer Emails

    Help The Customer Manage From The Web Or App


    1. Click On My Account

    Get the customer to hover over My Account and then click on Communication preferences.


    If the customer is on the My Account page, then select the Communication Preferences button.


    2. Change Communication Preferences

    Direct the customer to enable or disable relevant communication methods, as they see fit.



    1. Guide The Customer To Communication Preferences

    Click on My Account from the bottom right of the app.


    2. Select Communication Preferences

    Click on Communication Preferences from the list.


    3. Change Communication Preferences

    Direct the customer to enable or disable relevant communication methods, as they see fit.



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