Canvas Entry Properties
- The Canvas Persistent Entry Properties Beta was enabled across the platform on Nov 22, 2020. If you are creating an event-triggered canvas and wish to use event properties in multiple steps then you will need to use canvas_entry_properties (these must be in the message template and not in a content block).
Conversions & Revenue Attribution
- In canvas analytics, the top-level is entry conversions. If a user falls into a canvas with a 2-hour delay, and the user performs the various conversion events (A-D) before they receive the first message, Braze will still record that conversion against the canvas. What this would show is at the “Variant 1” level “Conversions = 1” but at the step level, it will show “Conversions = 0” as the user didn’t convert from receiving the message step. These conversions are based on your set conversion windows.
- If two canvases in Braze have the same conversion event, figures can double up. For example, events are tracked twice (once in each campaign) when the following occurs:
- A user receives a message from both Canvas A and Canvas B
- Both canvases have the same conversion event
- The user performs that unique conversion event
Editing A Canvas After Launch
- Users who have not yet entered the Canvas will be eligible for newly created steps.
- Users who have already passed newly created steps will be eligible next time they re-enter if you have allowed users to re-enter the Canvas in Canvas Entry Settings.
- You cannot edit or delete existing connections nor can you insert a step between existing connected steps once a Canvas is launched.
- Users already in the Canvas will fall out when a Canvas is stopped. For more information, see Changing your canvas after launch.
Rate Limits And Soft Bounces
Without adding a rate limit to our canvases and campaigns you will notice an increase in soft bounces. We suggest using a rate limit of 2.5K messages/minute at all times.
Re-Eligibility With Variants
When variant percentages are not changed, each user will always enter the same variant of a campaign, triggered in-app message, or Canvas entry every time they are re-eligible. If the variant percentages change, users may be redistributed to other variants. Find more information on re-eligibility here.
Seed Groups
If you want to receive seed group emails and your campaign will not be sent immediately on launch, set your initiative up as a Canvas. Seed groups are sent at different times for campaigns and canvases. In a campaign, the seed group is only sent once at the campaign launch. If your campaign is action-based or has a delay in the Liquid, the seed group will not be sent unless the campaign is re-launched. For a canvas, the seed groups are sent when each step in the canvas is sent.