In-App Messaging Key Information

    Campaigns Vs. Canvases

    IAMs behave differently in campaigns vs. canvases.

    • IAMs cannot be triggered off an event that occurs outside of the app from a campaign. Campaigns do not queue IAMs, so if the event occurs outside of the app, the IAM must be set up in a canvas. This applies to custom events like prize won and application installed.
    • Action-based delivery is unavailable for canvas steps with IAMs. This means when using an IAM in a canvas, it can only be served at start session (for a scheduled canvas) or at the start of the subsequent session if an event is triggered whilst on the page (e.g. action-based). For example, if you have a canvas where an IAM is triggered after a user adds a product to the cart, on the user’s next session, the IAM is fetched and displayed. If you want the IAM to be shown as soon as the user adds the product to the cart, then it needs to be built as a campaign.


    IAM Connected Content 

    • Braze does not allow the :retry flag in Connected Content in IAMs as it does in emails. 
    • Even when it is not in your message directly, it cannot be in any content block that you are referencing. 

    IAM Priority

    • In the case where two or more IAMs are set to trigger at the same time, the priority order will determine which message gets shown first. The high, medium and low options for triggered message priorities are buckets, and as such multiple messages could have the same selected priority. To set priorities within these buckets, click Set Exact Priority and you will be able to drag and drop campaigns to order them with the correct priority. If Exact Priority is not selected and two IAMs have the same bucket selected message priority then the IAM that was created more recently will be displayed to the user first.
    • If two IAMs have the same trigger both will not be served to the user in the same session. The IAM with the highest priority will be displayed to the user first and the IAM with the lower priority will display to the user the next time the trigger action takes place.

    For example, two IAMs both triggered on Start Session with “High” Priority. One was created on the 10th of March and one was created on the 9th of April. If the user starts a session on the 10th of March, the IAM from the 9th of April will be displayed, if the user starts another session on the 15th of April, the IAM from March 10 will then be displayed to the user. Find out more on this page under the “Prioritize” tab.

    IAM In Canvases

    Because an IAM is a pull channel, Braze does not “send” this channel to users. Whereas for Email, Content Card and Push, Braze sends the channel to users with the message. This is why an IAM in a canvas will have ‘0 Messages Sent’, despite recording impressions. This is expected behaviour.


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