This article provides an outline regarding how to cancel tickets in an open draw upon customer request, as well as identify that this has been processed successfully.
- Access to Jumbo Lottery Platform (JLP) Admin
NOTE: You can only cancel tickets before the Vendor draws close time on JIBS. Once the draw is past this period, you will not be able to cancel tickets. To view this, go to Lottery > Backend lottery tools > View JIBS managed draws.
1. Locate The Customer
Begin by searching for the customer by using the “quick search field” or “customer search form” to locate the correct customer more details on searching can be found here.
NOTE: If you have been provided with the ticket ID by the customer, use this to search as it will take you directly to the ticket you wish to cancel.
2. Locate The Ticket
Now that you have located the desired customer, click “Order History” from the left toolbar. This will show a full record of the customer’s purchase history.
Click on the Ticket ID you wish to cancel.
3. Cancel The Ticket
Scroll to the “Admin ticket info” section on the ticket details page. You will see an red “Cancel this ticket” button.
You will then be required to confirm the cancellation via a pop-up. Click “Cancel this ticket” to finalise the cancellation.
Once the ticket has been cancelled the ticket status will change to “cancelling” momentarily before finally changing to “cancelled”. You may need to refresh the admin page to confirm that this has taken effect.
For tickets that have already been batched, you will need to cancel the tickets on your existing system before force cancelling the ticket on PBJ admin. To force cancel a ticket, click “Cancel this ticket,” refresh the page then click “Mark ticket as cancelled”.
4. Confirm The Cancellation
You will be able to view the status of the ticket from the following areas:
- Transaction History – This will show that a cancellation has been made and the funds reversed back to the customer’s account.
- Order History – This will show the status of the ticket changed to “Cancelled”
- Customer Events – This will show the cancellation event along with the ticket ID
You will now be able to process a refund for the customer or request that they process another purchase to use the funds.