How to create a winners modal

    This article will outline how to create a modal. More specifically this will cover how to create a modal to display winners and how to use the ticket search widget in a modal.


    • Access to Powered By Jumbo Lottery Platform ( JLP)
    • Role capability content management access

    1. Create A New Modal

    1. Navigate to Modals
    2. Click the blue + to add a new Modal


    2. Name Modal And Set Parameters

    In the Modal screen

    • Set the Status to the desired option (Draft, Publish, Archived)
    • Give your modal a name
    • Set a path for your modal (recommended to use the name and add a dash for spaces)
    • Choose “Basic” Template
    • Create your Content and add a widget “Ticket Number Checker”


    3. Configure Ticket Number Checker

    Once the content has been created go into the “code editor” of the content


    To make the Ticket Number Checker able to search the content we need to add a class to the content we want to be able to be searchable.

    You have to add class=”wysiwyg-ticket-list” to each <p> </p> surrounding the content you want to be searchable

    E.g. line 4:
    <p>75867 &nbsp; &nbsp;  IPPYDIPPY 2983</p>

    <p class=”wysiwyg-ticket-list“>75867 &nbsp; &nbsp;  IPPYDIPPY 2983</p>

    chrome_6a3aHBXtMs-2.pngBefore Editing
    chrome_gMubb85kQA-1.pngAfter Editing

    4. Adding The Modal To A Page

    Once you have created a modal we need to add it to a page.

    Navigate to Pages in your CMS and select the page you want to add your modal. Scroll down to Content and select “Content Grid”



    Under Grid Items Create New


    Upload an Image that will display for the modal card

    Give your Grid a Name and Title and set Sort if you want to choose the position of your modal

    Lastly, click “Add button” to link to the modal you created earlier


    Give your Button a Name (Text)

    Enter the URL it will be ?modal=the-name-of-your-modal

    Choose the Variant – this will set the style of your button

    image-36 (1).png

    5. Result

    Now you should be able to see cards on your page which will link to your modal



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