How To Process Offline Sales Imports

    This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to administer and resolve offline sales transactions imported to the Jumbo Lottery Platform (JLP) admin.



    • Access to the JLP admin with ‘Offline Sales Admin’ capability enabled
    • Correctly assigned admin channel in Administrators under ‘Manage Operators.’

    1. Click On The ‘Transaction’ Page In JLP Admin

    Begin by logging into the admin platform and clicking on ‘Transaction’ on the main menu bar.


    2. Select The ‘Offline Sales Admin’ Option On The Menu On The Left-Hand Side Menu


    3. You Will Then See All The Files That Have Been Uploaded On JLP Admin

    On the ‘Offline sales admin’ page, you will see details such as the file name, channel, upload date, status and actions. Look out for files with the status: ‘requires action’.


    4. Click On ‘View Details’ In The ‘Actions’ Column


    In the details page, you can see the following information: upload date, uploader username, channel, total value, total cash payments, total credit card payments, total cheque payments, and total money order payments.


    You can also view other entries by clicking one of the available tabs on the page:

    • Requires action – Transactions that require correction or additional details
    • Funds pending approval – Transactions that need to be reconciled with non-instant payment methods (cheque, money order, etc.)
    • Successful – Successful transactions
    • Abandoned – Abandoned transactions


    5. To Resolve An Issue, Click ‘Resolve’ Under The Column ‘Actions’

    You may need to verify details with a supporter, such as their credit card details as well as enter additional information before the transaction can go through. The error details are displayed in red text as shown below.


    6. Once You’ve Entered The Required Information, Follow The Prompts Until All Errors Have Been Resolved

    You will be shown a ‘Transaction completed!’ message, once all errors are successfully resolved.


    7. ‘Approve’ Or ‘Abandon’ Transactions As Appropriate In ‘Funds Pending Approval’

    For entries under the ‘Funds pending approval’ list, simply click on ‘Approve’ to let the transaction go through or ‘Abandon’ to reject the transaction.


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