This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to edit a draw’s status on the Jumbo Lottery Platform (JLP).
Editing the draw status is necessary when you are ready to open your draw or when business cases require you to suspend sales or close a draw prematurely (before the close date or exhaustion of the ticket allocation).
- A JLP operator account with “Draw edit” capability
1. Login To JLP Admin
Visit https://admin.<> and login with your username and password.
2. Navigate To The Lottery Management Page
From the main navigation bar at the top of the screen, select Lottery.
3. Select The Relevant Lottery And Draw
Select the relevant lottery from the “Open lotteries” table. Alternatively, the relevant draw number can be selected if it is visible in the ‘Next Draw’ column.
If the draw number is visible and selected from the ‘Next Draw’ column, skip to step 5.
4. Select The Relevant Draw Number
Select the relevant draw number you wish to edit from the table of open and upcoming draws.
5. Select ‘Change Status’
Click on the grey Change status button on the right of the draw details page.
6. Change The Status And Save Changes
After clicking Change status, a pop-up window containing different draw statuses will appear.
Click on the desired draw status and then select the blue Save status button at the bottom of the pop-up window to change the status of the draw.
Draw Status Uses
- Open – This status is designed to put the draw in when you first create the draw. It will only be displayed to the public if the draw start date is in the present. If you do not put the draw into this status you are unable to preview your changes made in the content editor.
- Closed – The draw is unavailable and won’t be displayed on the website.
- Sold Out – Used when the draw is sold out and will display a “sold out” message.
When a Draw is in a Closed state, with a future Draw date, a new Draw will not be displayed until the Draw status is changed to ‘Open’. If you need to close a Draw prematurely, we recommend editing the Draw’s closing date to a date just a few minutes in the future.