- A Jumbo Lottery Platform (JLP) admin account with the correct permissions
- Draw number
- Prize details
- Winning ticket number
- Winner location
Record A Manual Winner
This flow should be used if the winning ticket number is drawn externally outside of the JLP Platform.
1. Log In To JLP Admin
Visit https://admin.<yourlotterydomain> and enter your JLP username and password.
2. Navigate To The End Of Draw Tools
Click on Lottery from the main menu bar.
Select the draw number that you wish to score in the ‘Draws requiring attention’ table.
Select the End of draw tools option from the left menu bar.
3. Add A New Draw Sequence
Click the Add manual sequence button.
The new draw sequence pop-up window will appear.
Enter a draw sequence name. Then Click on Create draw sequence to create the new draw sequence.
The name should reference whether this is the main prize draw or a bonus/sub draw.
4. Add Prize Draw
After creating the new draw sequence, a list of options will appear.
Click Add prize draw.
Select the Main prize type from the prize type dropdown menu.
In any single Draw, only one Main Prize type is permitted to be published.
Enter the prize name and click Add this prize draw.
The draw sequence and prize draw should now be available and ready for selecting the winning ticket number.
6. Verify The Ticket Number
Once the winning ticket number has been drawn via external methods, the ticket should be verified in order to make sure it is valid to win a prize in this draw.
After drawing a winning ticket via external methods, click on Verify a ticket number on the right of the page.
Enter the drawn ticket number and press enter. Verify the ticket information to make sure it is a valid ticket.
The ticket verification page includes:
- Purchase details
- Customer details
- Customer’s total valid spend in the draw
- Whether it was a subscription purchase
- Duplicate accounts belonging to the customer
Standard Purchase Ticket Details
The ticket information page contains links to:
- The customer’s profile
- Order ID
- Transaction ID
- Ticket ID
- Subscription information (if it was a recurring purchase)
Selecting View all in range will show all the ticket numbers belonging to the customer in this draw.
If the ticket details are valid for this draw, select the blue Print this record button at the bottom of the page to print off the winner’s details for auditing purposes.
Click on Back to End of Draw Tools to continue the end of draw process.
7. Record A Manual Winner
Navigate to the main prize draw sequence.
Select Record a manual winner.
Enter in the relevant winner’s details:
- Winner’s ticket number (required)
- Winner’s customer ID (optional)
- Date winner was drawn (required)
To save the winner’s details, select Record this winner.
The winner’s customer ID is optional. The winner’s ticket number and date winner drawn are required.
The approved winner has now been entered into the draw sequence’s prize draw. A blue label will denote that this winner was recorded manually.
Clicking on the arrow to open a dropdown menu with the winner’s details.
8. Publish The Winner’s Details
After recording the manual winner, click on the arrow to open up the winner’s details.
If the winner’s details are correct, click on the Publish this winner button in the bottom left.
A pop-up window will appear containing pre-filled information. The Winner’s information is the only editable field.
Enter in the relevant winner’s details and press Publish record to publish the winner’s details on the front-end website.
Once published you can see the green record will have a remark in brackets (published)
The winner’s information will be displayed on the Winners page of your JLP website. Once this information is published, it cannot be edited via JLP Admin. Please verify the winner’s information thoroughly before publishing a winner’s record. Make sure to confirm the information the winner is comfortable sharing before publishing these details. If there are errors or issues with the published record, contact support.