Skip a payment for recurring purchases

    We have improved the subscription management feature, providing the ability to pause and resume subscriptions and autoplays.


    Our clients may have customers who face varying financial situations that can affect their ability to continue recurring purchases. To accommodate these fluctuations, we have upgraded our subscription and autoplay features to enable customers to skip payment/s for recurring purchases and manage the duration of this pause according to their needs. Their recurring purchases will resume on the selected date.

    Key benefits:

    • Flexibility: Customers can now pause their subscriptions and auto plays for a duration that suits their current financial needs.
    • Control: The pause duration is customisable, providing customer with the ability to manage their recurring purchase schedules more effectively.
    • Ease of use: Resuming a paused subscription or autoplay is straightforward, ensuring a seamless transition back to recurring purchases.

    Strategic advantage: This feature was implemented to give our clients more control over subscription and autoplay cancellations. When customers need to cancel their recurring purchase, they will now have to call in, allowing contact centre support staff to offer this pause option as an interim solution. 

    This helps in customer retention by encouraging customers to skip a payment rather than cancelling their subscription altogether. 

    Customers who have already used the current functionality to indefinitely pause their subscription will not be affected. Their subscriptions will remain on hold.

    Example of how it works:

    Player purchases a Subscription on 10 June = anniversary date is 10 June

    • Pauses for 1 month on 15 June
    • Automatically resumes on 15 July
    • Next purchase date will be 10 August (2).gif

    Autoplay will follow the same rules as above even with the different logic (per draw)

    • AutoPlay charged 10 June
    • Paused for 1 month on 15 June
    • Automatically resumes 15 July
    • Next purchase date is either:
      • 15 July if a new draw has opened in the meantime, OR
      • If it’s still the same draw as before it was paused the next purchase date will be when the next draw opens.

    For steps on how to use Skip a Payment functionality, click here

    We are committed to continually improving our product and support, and value your feedback. If you have any questions or suggestions about this update, please don't hesitate to contact us by emailing

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