- A Jumbo Lottery Platform (JLP) operator account with the correct permissions
- In order to cancel a ticket once the draw close date and time have occurred, the system draw close date and time has to be adjusted.
1. Login To Jumbo Lottery Platform Admin
Visit https://admin.<> and login with your username and password.
2. Navigate To The Lottery Management Page
From the main navigation bar at the top of the screen, select Lottery.
3. Select The Relevant Draw Number
Select the relevant draw number you wish to edit from the table of open and upcoming draws.
4. Select ‘Edit Draw Details’
Click on the grey Edit draw details button below the draw details table.
5. Edit The ‘System Draw Close Date’ Field
This field is only editable 10 mins after the draw close date has passed.
We suggest adjusting the system draw close date and time to 1 hour before the main prize draw date.
6. Click On ‘Save Changes’
Scroll down to the bottom of the edit draw details page and select the blue Save changes button.
After completing these steps, the system will set a new system draw close date and time and allow you to cancel the tickets as normal.
To cancel a ticket, follow the steps in How to Cancel a Ticket.